What to Expect at
Before You Come
We aim to start worship right at 10AM. If you happen to be running late, no worries, it happens to all of us - don't let it stop you from coming! Most people start arriving about 15 minutes before worship to check-in kids, grab some coffee, visit with one another, and make their way into the Auditorium.
What to Wear
You'll find the vast majority of people are casual in their attire at 10AM Worship. Polos, button-downs, t-shirts, jeans, and slacks are all normal. Regardless, wear whatever's comfortable for you.
If you have any questions about 10AM worship as you read through, just let us know. We'll be happy to answer them.

Directions and Parking
10AM Worship takes place in the Winebrenner building, located at 950 North Main Street, which is on the campus of the University of Findlay. The building is located on Main Street in Findlay, so its very visible from the road. Flags are placed in front of the building, on Main Street, each Sunday to make our presence more identifiable.
From the South
Head north on Main Street, passing Domino's Pizza, then East of Chicago Pizza (hey! We like pizza!), and the Winebrenner building will be on your left. You can enter the parking lot by turning left onto Howard Street, Frazer Street, or the main driveway for Winebrenner.
From the North
Head south on Main Street, passing our College First Sanctuary, the Arch of the University of Findlay, and Winebrenner will be on your right. You can enter the parking lot by turning right onto Frazer Street, Howard Street, or the main driveway for Winebrenner.
Ample parking is available in Winebrenner's parking lot. Parking areas are designated as Lots 2 and 3 for the University of Findlay. Both Lots are available for parking for College First even if signage says permits are required. These signs do not apply on Sunday mornings.
Additional signage is placed out each Sunday that will point you in the direction of parking and the two entrances into the building, facing west and south.
Additional signage is placed out each Sunday that will point you in the direction of parking and the two entrances into the building, facing west and south.

One Church.
Two Venues.
Our 10AM Worship is located in the Winebrenner building to help us have more space for all those who worship at College First. Because Winebrenner is only 900 feet south from the Sanctuary, we tend to talk about the two spaces as Worship Venues. The short distance helps us to stay connected together, while providing the space needed.
Building Map
Need to find your way around the Winebrenner building on Sunday morning? These instructions and maps will help you get acquainted.

Main Entrances
There are two Main Entrances into the Winebrenner building. One faces South and the other faces West. Each is marked by a sign to give clear indication. The building is shaped like a semi-circle with an entrance at each end. So regardless of which entrance you enter through, you'll easily find everything by continuing to walk forward.
Just to the right of the South Entrance is the Elevator, which can be utilized for those who find stairs challenging.
As you enter, you'll see the Kids' Check-In located straight forward next to the main stairway. Our Resource Table and Coffee, Tea, and Donuts are also located near the center between both entrances. The Auditorium entrances are on your left as you come in the South Entrance and on your right if you come in the West Entrance.
Just to the right of the South Entrance is the Elevator, which can be utilized for those who find stairs challenging.
As you enter, you'll see the Kids' Check-In located straight forward next to the main stairway. Our Resource Table and Coffee, Tea, and Donuts are also located near the center between both entrances. The Auditorium entrances are on your left as you come in the South Entrance and on your right if you come in the West Entrance.
First Floor
You'll find on the First Floor of the Winebrenner building:
- Adult Sunday school class meets in Room 152 from 8:45am until 9:45am
- Welcome Center - where guests can find information about College First and receive a gift.
- Kids' Check-In - check in your kids and get them a name tag
- TLB Auditorium where we worship together
- and our Information Table where you can find information about upcoming events and opportunities at College First.

Second Floor
You'll find on the Second Level of the Winebrenner building our Kids' Ministry Area, including:
The Second Floor also provides access to the Balcony of the Auditorium.
- Nursery (Room 254)
- Pre-K Class (Room 251)
- K-2 Class (Room 250)
- 3rd - 5th Grade (Room 252)
The Second Floor also provides access to the Balcony of the Auditorium.

I Have Kids!
Your kids are important to you and they are important to us. We hope this information will clearly explain what Sunday Mornings look like with kids.

Infants through 5th Grade
All kids Infant through 5th Grade will need to start by checking-in. The Kids' Check-In is located near the Main Stairway centered between the two entrances into the building. If you've been at College First before, simply look up your name and print your tags. One copy stays with the guardian and the other gets placed on the kid. If it's your first time at College First, someone will be present to help you enter your information for the first time.
Infants through Age 2
Our youngest kids can head straight to our Nursery located in Room 254 on the Second Floor. Take the stairs next to check-in up to the Second Floor, or use the Elevator, and walk slightly to the right for Room 254. The Nursery has a sign outside of the door to maker its location.
Age 3 through 5th Grade
Preschoolers through 5th Grade will start the morning in worship with their family/guardian. They join in the singing of the morning and then will be dismissed to their own learning time before the sermon. Our Kids Ministry leaders will be present to walk your kids from the Auditorium to their classrooms located on the Second Floor.
After worship, guardians should head to the Second Floor to pick up their kids from their classrooms.
Kids' Ministry Pick Up:
Your Comfort is Our Priority!
If you would like your children to stay with you throughout worship, please feel free to do so. If you would like to observe them in their classroom as you become familiar with our Kid's Ministry, please let us know.
Infants through Age 2
Our youngest kids can head straight to our Nursery located in Room 254 on the Second Floor. Take the stairs next to check-in up to the Second Floor, or use the Elevator, and walk slightly to the right for Room 254. The Nursery has a sign outside of the door to maker its location.
Age 3 through 5th Grade
Preschoolers through 5th Grade will start the morning in worship with their family/guardian. They join in the singing of the morning and then will be dismissed to their own learning time before the sermon. Our Kids Ministry leaders will be present to walk your kids from the Auditorium to their classrooms located on the Second Floor.
After worship, guardians should head to the Second Floor to pick up their kids from their classrooms.
Kids' Ministry Pick Up:
- Nursery (Infant through Age 2) - Room 254
- Preschool (Age 3 until Kindergarten) - Room 251
- Kindergarten through Grade 2 - Room 250
- Grade 3 through Grade 5 - Room 252
Your Comfort is Our Priority!
If you would like your children to stay with you throughout worship, please feel free to do so. If you would like to observe them in their classroom as you become familiar with our Kid's Ministry, please let us know.
Junior High and High School Students
Junior High and High School Students are invited to attend the full worship service with their family at 10AM.
The TOGETHER Student Ministry Class is available for Students beginning at 5:30PM with dinner in Fellowship Hall at the church (1100 N. Main St.) located on the ground floor. Evening includes dinner, worship, Bible study and games. Invite a friend!
The TOGETHER Student Ministry Class is available for Students beginning at 5:30PM with dinner in Fellowship Hall at the church (1100 N. Main St.) located on the ground floor. Evening includes dinner, worship, Bible study and games. Invite a friend!

Here's what worship normally looks like at 10AM.
Make Your Way to the Auditorium
10AM Worship takes place in the Auditorium. The Auditorium is located on the First Floor and the Balcony is located on the Second Floor. From the West Entrance, you'll see the Auditorium entrance to your right. From the South Entrance, you'll see the Auditorium entrance to your left.
Coffee, Tea and Donuts are available before and after worship for you to enjoy.
Coffee, Tea and Donuts are available before and after worship for you to enjoy.

As You Enter
Worship Folders are available at both entrances into the Auditorium. The Worship Folder includes all of the information of what the service will include and additional information regarding College First. If you have any questions, the Greeters will be happy to answer them for you.
Ample seating is available in the Auditorium. You can sit in the main seating area or up in the balcony. Space is available for those in wheelchairs. If you would like to move chairs around to accommodate your situation, please feel free to do so.
Ample seating is available in the Auditorium. You can sit in the main seating area or up in the balcony. Space is available for those in wheelchairs. If you would like to move chairs around to accommodate your situation, please feel free to do so.
As Worship Begins
As Worship is set to begin, you'll find at the back of the Auditorium our Welcome Center, which includes:
You'll know worship is about to begin as a Welcome Video plays.
- Bibles to follow along with the reading of Scripture if you don't have one.
- A Connection Card, which can be used to communicate with the staff and leadership of College First.
You'll know worship is about to begin as a Welcome Video plays.

First Things
Worship starts with a welcome from one of our ministry leaders, a few announcements of upcoming ministry opportunities, highlights of any prayer concerns, and a brief Scripture reading to set our hearts towards God.
The music starts with a few songs in a more contemporary style with guitars, bass, keys, and drums. The Worship Leader will usually help direct our attention towards God with Scripture reading and/or prayer.
The music starts with a few songs in a more contemporary style with guitars, bass, keys, and drums. The Worship Leader will usually help direct our attention towards God with Scripture reading and/or prayer.
Thanksgiving and Scripture
Worship will continue with a time for giving Tithes and Offerings. If you're a guest or new to College First, please don't feel obligated to give.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving is then offered for all that we offer to God.
Children are dismissed to Kids' Ministry.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving is then offered for all that we offer to God.
Children are dismissed to Kids' Ministry.

Sermon and Prayer
Next comes the sermon. Effort is made to make the sermon relevant to your everyday life and to inspire you to follow Jesus in all that you do. Sermons typically last 20 - 25 minutes. Key Scripture Passages and ideas will be displayed on the screen. There is space in your Worship Folder to take notes.
Following the Sermon, a prayer is then offered on behalf of the congregation. It is common for those who are especially moved by God to come towards the front to pray.
Following the Sermon, a prayer is then offered on behalf of the congregation. It is common for those who are especially moved by God to come towards the front to pray.
Final Things
Following the Prayer, a final worship song is sung.
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate Communion together. If you consider yourself to be a Christian you are encouraged to participate in Communion, even if this is your first time in worship.
A word of Sending is given and you are welcome to depart.
Again, Coffee, Tea, and Donuts are available just outside of the Auditorium for you to enjoy.
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate Communion together. If you consider yourself to be a Christian you are encouraged to participate in Communion, even if this is your first time in worship.
A word of Sending is given and you are welcome to depart.
Again, Coffee, Tea, and Donuts are available just outside of the Auditorium for you to enjoy.

Before You Go
A few more things before you head to your car....

Just outside of the Auditorium is our Coffee, Tea, and Donuts. Enjoy some treats and good conversation.
Next to the Coffee and Donuts, you'll see the Resource Table. Take a moment to look through the various opportunities available at College First.
Also at the Welcome Table is a small gift for guests. Be sure to stop by and allow us to get to know you better.
Next to the Coffee and Donuts, you'll see the Resource Table. Take a moment to look through the various opportunities available at College First.
Also at the Welcome Table is a small gift for guests. Be sure to stop by and allow us to get to know you better.