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Groups at College First

Groups at College First are foundational to your spiritual growth, connection with others, and opportunities to serve the Findlay/Hancock County community. Whether long-term or short-term, mid-week or Sunday morning, getting into a Group is essential for all.

Small Groups

Reese Small Group

Erick & Kimberly Reese
Sundays, 3:00-4:30PM
Topical Study, Family-Based, Kid-Friendly

Rise and Shine

Susan Williams
Tuesdays, 8:00AM
Women's Group, Bible Study

Flying Solo

Nicky Inman
Thursdays, 7:00pm
A group for single parents

Men Alive

David Welker
Wednesdays, 6:30AM
Men's Group, A Book-Based Study, Mostly Retirees

Welker Small Group

David & Anna Welker
2nd & 4th Sundays 6:30-7:30PM
A Book-Based Study, Multi-Generational

Shining Grace Small Group

Kevin & Pam Jenkins
Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00PM
Discussion Based, Multi-Generational

Caring and Sharing

Becky Spikes
3rd Tuesday, 7:00PM
Women's Group, Book-based Discussion

Stitch N Sew

Connie Reeder
Wednesdays, 10:00AM (April-November)
A Quilting Group Open to All

Young Ladies Small Group

Kimberly Reese
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00PM
Discussion-Based, College and 20-Something Aged Ladies

The Vine

Nancy Hiser
Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30PM
Young Adults, Discussion-Based

The Dads Group

Brandon Kelly
Wednesdays, 6:00AM
Discussion-Based, Dads of All Ages


Rosemary Myers
Thursdays, 10:00-11:30AM
Ladies Group, Mostly Retirees, Topical Study on Heaven

***Ruth Gleaners

Sally Elsea & Lorena Baird
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00PM
Ladies Group, Video Based Studies

Living Word Fellowship Group

Bob & Bonnie Nietz & Jill Gordon
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30PM
Bible or Book-Based Studies, Retirees and Middle-Aged

***Reist Small Group

Bill and Judy Reist
Every Other Thursday Evening
Book-Based Studies, Married Couples

Green Small Group

Dave and Sally Green
3rd Tuesday, evenings
Bible study based

***Edel Small Group

Jay and Debbie Edel
2nd & 4th Sundays, 6:30-8:00PM
Bible & Book-Based Studies, "Empty Nesters"

International Student Bible Study

Nancy Hiser
Sundays, 11:30 AM

Jenkins Small Group

Pam and Kevin Jenkins
Every other Tuesday, evenings

Winebrenner Sunday Group

Michael Pierce
Sundays, 9:45-10:45 AM
Bible study before Winebrenner service
***Indicates a group that is at maximum capacity

Sunday Classes

Christian Ambassadors

Susan Nice & Jerry Murray
Sundays, 10:15AM, Room 201
A Book-Based Study, Multi-Generational


Alice Will
Sundays, 10:00AM, Room 200
Bible Study Focused

Friendship Seekers

Stan Scarbrough & Ken Curry
Sundays, 10:00AM, Room 204
The Standard Lesson Quarterly, Retirees


Craig Tesnow
Sundays, 10:00AM, Room 204
Adults Of All Ages, A Book-Based Study

Soul Searchers

Bob Asel
Sundays, 10:00AM, Fellowship Hall (1st Floor)
A Book-Based Bible Study, Retirees

Short-Term Courses

Alpha Course

Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. It's a low pressure environment where all can discuss the big questions in life. You can enjoy food, a talk, and discussion in a safe environment.

The Formation Course

Next course: Oct. 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8  at 6:00PM

The Formation Course is a 4-week course to help root you in your spiritual formation journey. Designed to walk you through the four key components of building your relationship with Jesus everyday, this course will help you to grow closer with God and set practical rhythms. Each session lasts one hour on Thursdays, starting at 7PM. The course repeats every year in the fall.

The four-weeks include:
Week 1 - How to Read the Bible
Week 2 - How to Pray
Week 3 - Practicing the Presence of God
Week 4 - Following the Rhythms of Jesus

The Calling Course

Next Course: Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 at 7:00PM

The Calling Course is a 4-week course to help you discover God's calling on your life. Designed to walk you through the discovery of your gifts and the passions of your heart, this course will help you to apply the way God created you to your walk with Jesus. Each session lasts one hour on Thursdays, starting at 7PM. The course repeats at the beginning of every year.

The four-weeks include:
Week 1 - God's Calling
Week 2 - Your Gifting
Week 3 - Your Passion
Week 4 - Living the Called Life

The Story Course

Next Course: May 13, 20, June 10, 17 at 7:00PM

The Story Course is a 4-week course to help you share God's story with others. Designed to equip you to share how your story intersects God's story , this course will help you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those around you in an effective way. Each session lasts one hour on Thursdays, starting at 7PM. The course repeats every year around Easter.

The four-weeks include:
Week 1 - God's Story
Week 2 - Your Story
Week 3 - One Story
Week 4 - Sharing Your Story

The Life on Mission Course

Next Course: Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24 at 7:00PM

The Life on Mission Course is a 4-week course to help you life your life on mission. Designed to reveal the missional passion God has given you and put it to work, this course will help you to see a missionary lifestyle as an everyday practice. Each session lasts one hour on Thursdays, starting at 7PM. The course repeats every year at the beginning of summer.

The four-weeks include:
Week 1 - Your Missional Passion
Week 2 - Your Home as a Missional Outpost
Week 3 - Reaching Your Neighbor
Week 4 - Missional Rhythms


At College First, we believe that everyone is a leader. We lead through discipling others, we lead our families, we lead others to Christ, and we demonstrate Jesus through our leadership in the community. Leadership Hub is a training opportunity to equip you to be an Everyday Leader. Taking place each year in the fall and lasting for 9 months, Leadership Hub will help you to to fulfill your calling to live on mission and make disciples.

What Does Leadership Hub Look Like?


Content Delivery
One Saturday each month, we'll gather together from 9AM to 3PM to work through content that will help to equip you. Covering a variety of topics, these sessions will give you the knowledge you need to live as an Everyday Leader.
Six books are given for reading over the course of Leadership Hub to supplement knowledge and to grow your capacity as a leader.


Processing what you're learning and experiencing is essential to the Leadership Hub process and to being an Everyday Leader. During our Saturday sessions, time will be set aside to help you process and apply what you're learning. Each month, you'll gather with a few other participants for 90 minutes in a Huddle, to process your efforts to live out what you're learning.
The ultimate questions we ask are: what is God saying to me? And what am I going to do about it?


Each month will include "homework" assignments to not just learn and process, but to practice what you're learning. These assignments will be achievable and practical, ultimately giving you space to try out the skills you need to lead.


Every month, you'll develop a plan towards how you will live out what you're learning over the next four weeks. Taking into account your schedule and what God is calling you to, these plans are customized to your own journey of leadership.

At the end of Leadership Hub, you'll develop a larger plan to set your course for the next year. How you'll continue to grow, learn, and live in reflection of being equipped to lead.

What Do You Learn?

Jesus at the Center


Everything we do as a leader is built around Jesus being at the center of our lives. We'll look at what it means to imitate and follow Jesus with all that we are. Every tool, framework, and practice we'll learn is based in the life and ways of Jesus.

Building Community


Leadership is focused on others. We'll learn how to care for others and build a community that focuses on relationship, encouragement, and support.

Discipling Others


Ultimately,  our purpose beyond worshiping Jesus is to make disciples. We'll learn how to disciple others through a frame of leadership.

Spiritual Rhythm


Leaders need rhythms that give rest and relationship in the Lord and produce fruit for the Kingdom. We'll learn the components of a healthy rhythm and design a plan that works for each person.

Missional Passion


God has placed a missional passion in your heart. We'll take time to unearth that passion and work through best practices to start living on mission towards that passion - calling others to join us in our work.



Leaders know their strengths and develop them. Leaders also know their weaknesses and find others to compliment them. We'll learn the giftings God has given you and how to lead in alignment with them.

Reaching Out


Building and growing relationships with those you don't know is a skill every leader and disciple needs to know. We'll learn how to reach out, plant seeds, and grow relationships to Kingdom fruitfulness.

Thoughtful Living


Leaders act with thoughtfulness, reflecting and processing before moving too quickly. We apply this to our lives and to the way we approach Scripture and discipleship.

Leading Out


We finish our time together celebrating what we've learned and developing plans for where God is leading us next.