For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
A significant part of our mission and vision is to be sent to impact the world. Sometimes that's being sent to those who are with us in worship, sometimes that's being sent to those who are next door, and sometimes that's being sent around the world.
We believe that every Christian is being sent near and far to serve the Kingdom of God.
We believe that every Christian is being sent near and far to serve the Kingdom of God.
Serve in the church
There are a large variety of ways to serve in the church. Your unique gifts and abilities have a place to partner internally with the ministry of College First. Find an overview of opportunities below and sign up to serve when you're ready to take your next step!
- Instruments 9/10/11
- Choir 9/11
- Vocals 9/10/11
- Slides 9/10/11
- Sound 9/10/11
- Live Feed Support 9/10
- Greeter 9/10/11
- Welcome Center 9/10/11
- Usher 9/11
- Hospitality 9/10/11
- Set up / Tear Down 10
- Office Help
- Shepherding Team
- Prayer Email
- Meal Ministry
Kids Ministry
- Nursery 9/10
- Teacher 9/10
- Assistant 9/10
- Events
- Wednesday Nights
Student Ministry
- MS/HS Sunday Nights
- MS/HS During the Week
- Events
***AVAILABLE AT: 9:00 WORSHIP 9 - 10:00 WORSHIP 10 - 11:00 WORSHIP 11
Serve in the community
... and beyond!
There are a large variety of ways to serve our local and global community. Your unique gifts and abilities have a place to reach others with the love of Christ. Find our typical opportunities below. You can also view our events list for more details and additional serving opportunities. Sign up to serve when you're ready to take your next step!

Mission Trips
Backyard Mission Trip
Spend the day serving those in our local community. Projects include typical home renovations or maintenance.
Haiti & Dominican Republic Mission Trips
Serve the ministry happening in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We are currently planning for a trip to the D.R. in 2024. Contact the church office if you're interested in partnering!
Spend the day serving those in our local community. Projects include typical home renovations or maintenance.
Haiti & Dominican Republic Mission Trips
Serve the ministry happening in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We are currently planning for a trip to the D.R. in 2024. Contact the church office if you're interested in partnering!

Habitat for Humanity
College First joins with Habitat for Humanity to build housing for those in need within Findlay and Hancock County. Each year we register for one or two 4-hour shifts to assist with construction. Once every three years, we join with other churches to financially support an entire home along with physically helping.
Thank you to all of our 2023 partners!
Thank you to all of our 2023 partners!

Mobile Food Pantry
Each year, College First partners with Chopin Hall to host a Mobile Food Pantry in March and June. In June of 2023, we served 243 families. Our next Mobile Food Pantry will be in March, 2024.

Freshman Move-In
With College First being next door to the University of Findlay, we aim to find practical ways to serve students. Each year we help with Freshman Move-In by loaning hand carts, giving out bottled water, and moving personal items. Thank you to the 2023 move-in ministry partners!

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child involves packing shoeboxes with practical and fun items, along with explanations of the Gospel to be shipped around the world. In 2020, 332 boxes were donated by College First. OCC Collection week happens in November.
You can also join in a trip to an OCC processing center as a mission trip.
You can also join in a trip to an OCC processing center as a mission trip.

Bell Ringing
Each year, College First supports the Salvation Army by bell ringing at the Trenton Avenue Walmart. A series of time slots are made available for people to sign-up.

Helping Hands Email
Opportunities to lend a hand arise throughout the year. Whether helping those who are a part of College First or those from our community, this email list provides the opportunity to stay informed when a need arises.
Upcoming Events
Check our list of upcoming events for details of any of the opportunities listed above, to sign up for specific opportunities, or to see additional chances to serve.
Our Missions Partnerships
We support both financially and practically a variety of community and global organizations and missionaries to help extend the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.

Caleb & Christina Acosta
Directors of Latino Ministries, CGGC
Caleb and Christina Acosta pioneered the Latino church planting ministry in Pennsylvania and have started and grown missionary work in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Mexico.

Camp Otyokwah
Great Lakes Church Camp
Otyokwah exists to be a place where you can disconnect, refresh, and renew your relationship with Christ. Their mission is to further Christ's Kingdom in part by providing a safe, healthy environment and providing quality camping and rental facilities.

Campus Ministry
University of Findlay
University of Findlay students are presented with a wide variety of on-campus Christian fellowship and discipleship opportunities. Students gather together in song and prayer at Revive, the student-led campus worship service. Throughout the week, smaller groups gather in Covenant Communities. Students are also invited to engage actively in spiritual accountability with on-campus peer-to-peer mentoring.

Chopin Hall
Christians Helping Others In Need
For 37 years CHOPIN Hall has been on the front lines of getting food into the hands of people in-need in our community. Our faith-based volunteer-driven organization is able to leverage every dollar donated into many pounds of food. In 2020, CHOPIN averaged 954 family visits per month. With the community’s support, we provided food for 338,700 meals (over 925 meals per day).

Christian Clearing House
Christians Helping in Crisis
Donations to Christian Clearing House are used to provide emergency assistance for those facing financial, emotional,or spiritual needs in Hancock County. Approximately 1,200 local lives are touched each month by this organization.

Clothe-a-Child of Ohio
A Mission to Clothe Children
Clothe-a-Child's mission is to provide underprivileged children with clothing in Hancock, Ohio and surrounding counties. They clothe 450-500 children per year, spending approximately $250 per child.
Churches of God, General Conference
Regional, National, and Global Denomination
The Churches of God, General Conference is the denomination we're affiliated with. We support the Great Lakes Conference, our regional affiliation, alongside of the national and global conference. The denomination has 300+ churches in the USA and 300+ globally.

Espwa Pou Ayiti
Hope for Haiti
Espwa Pou Ayiti means Hope for Haiti. It is their goal to create sustainable income sources for the Haitian people to be able to provide for themselves.

Charette Church
Haiti Sister Church
College First support the Charette Church located in Haiti. The Charette Church is a part of the global presence of the Churches of God, General Conference denomination.